Facebook Security

Facebook is the world's largest networking site! With over 150 million people using Facebook world wide, the number seems overwhelming and that is why it's been rated as the world's 5th largest visited site. It was initially very popular among teenagers, but now it's established its presence with members of all ages and sectors. It also provides a major platform for marketing plenty of businesses and helps in expanding it invariably. Facebook security has been query in most users' minds. You will do well though to know more about the Facebook Security and the way you can prevent your account from getting hijacked!

It is essential to know about the Facebook security and the way it is managed, with the recent incidents coming to light about the breach of Facebook security. Plenty of users are now concerned about their accounts! There were several occasions historicallyin the past when the security has been breached. The beta-phase of this site could not identify the feasible threats of hacking and information privacy, and thus, within few months to years of launch, the site saw plenty of unscrupulous visitors taking advantage of this issue.

Facebook has over and again worked on its security front. They have been actively working to protect their users. It must be said that their efforts are commendable. Every time they noticed a security breach they have fixed it. But the query is - Are all these measures for Facebook to be an admired as well as a most-visited site? Until now, all technical measures taken by Facebook have been reactive. Facebook will do well to bolster their security measures to being proactive in out-thinking the crooks, who are loose at giant waiting to make the best use of such sites.

IT guys have openly mocked the Facebook security systems! Amateurs like you and me would agree , given the reasoning behind it! To gain access to the staff, the security questions would be something like what is your father's middle name? Or name of third grade teacher? Every kid studying along with your infant could answer this query! Do you think these questions on social networking sites are to maintain privacy and security?

The tips are going to be simple and clichéd, but they make lot of difference to securing your accounts from the hackers. Don't reveal any private information where someone can get it. Never ever enter credit card or such sensitive information on the net site. Even in case you are sharing along with your mate don't to it on social site. You have plenty of other ways to do that! Manage your privacy settings which Facebook provides. Yes, Facebook offers option to protect your personal information. You can select who ought to be allowed to view your personal information and more importantly which. Don't socialize with strangers on the site.

The cyber crooks will always have an interest in social sites. They will always try to steal common man's information and passwords by hacking or scamming. Facebook being the largest network is the simplest target. This may have rung alert bells about the Facebook security. Don't be concerned! I have listed a few basic tips which will help you protect your privacy.

Your security is in your own hands. play with the rules set and you are lovely to go.

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