Practical PC Security Tips

The Web has connected us all together in global digital relatives. Between the Web and more efficient jet travel the world has shrunk by a factor of ten at least. With any great positive change come the "people" who only require to exploit it for their own means. This has turned the Web from being a purely useful "tool" to a place littered with criminals. Computer security is not something you can ignore - unless you require to become a victim of it.

There's so lots of risks online that you require to be aware of - viruses, adware, worms, identity theft and phishing to name a few. The cost of these risks is rising every single year. The cost of cleaning up the damage done by all these cyber threats? It is quickly heading towards $100 billion per year in total costs for online crime and virus damage.

So what steps are you able to take to keep your computer protected?

It was seldom smart to be online without some kind of virus and firewall protection but these days it is not a choice - you require to do it.

three. Avoid opening any e-mail attachments or unknown programs that have or.exe file extension. In the event you cannot see you file extension then unhide them in Windows.

one. Keep your Windows updated. By default your Windows ought to be able to update itself or at least tell you when updates are obtainable. Missing critical Windows update can be to leave your computer wide open to assault.

three. Fine-tune your browser security level to make sure it is Medium or Medium-High. This is not a total solution to web based security threats but it is usually to keep pop-ups and low level security threats at bay.

three. Most people know that you ought to seldom open e-mail from people you don't know. But what in the event you get an e-mail from a close mate of yours with a link in it? Is the link safe or not? If in doubt seldom, ever click any links that you get by e-mail. For all you know your mate got a virus and the virus sent a replica of itself to you by e-mail.

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